
WHMCS WhatsApp Api

Separate User Account
Free WHMCS Module
Unlimited Messages
Auto Reply
Delivery Time 1-2Hr#
WhatsApp Number
We'll Contact You After Order

Client Notifications

Can send messages to individual client
Can send messages to all clients
Can send messages to Product Group, Addons or Product
Top or Popup Notification
Allowing a client to show notifications with shortcodes
Set custom colors and font added
Custom CSS
Auto adding codes to the template file
Create Informative And Advertisement Pop-Ups
Compose Pop-ups Using Predefined Styles
Preview Pop-up With Single Click
Archive Pop-ups For Later Use
View Pop-up Restrictions
View Number of Pop-up Displays
View Pop-up Delay Time
View Pop-up Status
Create Styles To Be Used By Pop-up
Preview Style With Single Click
Archive Pop-ups For Later Use
View Pop-up Restrictions
View Number of Pop-up Displays
View Pop-up Delay Time
View Pop-up Status
Create Styles To Be Used By Pop-up
Preview Style With Single Click
Can add note on Add Fund Page
Kindly Raise Ticket After Purchasing this Product to get delivery
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Show Client's Login Credentials

with this module you can show client's login details like username or password in client area
Kindly Raise Ticket After Purchasing this Product to get delivery
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